سبلاشى مقعد حمام متنقل

Splashy هو مقعد حمام محمول للأطفال ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة

Splashy: للحمام واللعب والنزهات

Splashy هو مقعد حمام محمول مما يجعل وقت الاستحمام أسهل وأكثر متعة لعائلات الأطفال ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة. إنه مقعد محمول وخفيف الوزن ومدعوم للاستحمام أو الألعاب الفوضوية أينما ذهبت.

إنه صغير الحجم للغاية ومريح في الحمام ، لذلك فهو يستخدم مساحة أقل وأجزاء أقل من الماء وأجزاء قابلة للفك ، مما يجعله سهل التنظيف.

كل ما عليك فعله هو شطفه السريع واستعداده للاستحمام في وقت لاحق ، أو في عطلة نهاية الأسبوع ، أو رحلة الشاطئ ، أو في أي مكان تقرر الذهاب إليه.

Product Overview

  • Suitable for children aged 1-8 years with a max. user weight of 30kg/66lbs.
  • Warm-touch, quick-drying covering material makes it suitable for any water environment.
  • Splashy's floorsitter has 26 recline positions, from upright (106°) to right back. (140°).

فوائد سبلاشي

Splashy Banyo Koltuğu

Countless possibilities...

Splashy isn't just for the bath or shower, it can be used at the beach, in a baby pool or for messy play activites. We've even seen it being used in the snow and at water adventure parks.

Splashy Banyo Koltuğu

Functional Floorsitter

Splashy's 26 recline options mean that even children with reduced head control or sitting ability are able to use Splashy. Choose a recline setting which suits your child's activity - you can quickly and easily adjust positions for relaxing or washing.

Splashy Banyo Koltuğu

Safe, Comfy and Secure…

Splashy’s warm-touch, quick-dry foam covering feels soft whether it’s wet or dry. The sculpted shape provides a comfy and supportive sitting position. You can even choose from 3 cool colour combinations.

Firefly Splashy Banyo Koltuğu

Splashy grows with your child

The harness and bumper supports are easily attached using toggles, meaning you can adjust Splashy's supports as your little one grows.

ما الذي يجعل سبلاشي

فضلا عن مقعد حمامك ، سوف تتلقى العناصر التالية مع سبلاشي الخاص بك...

Splashy Banyo Koltuğu Destek Kayışları

5-Point Harness

The Splashy harness adapts to your child’s postural support needs, with the option of a 5-point or the 3-point pelvic support.

Splashy Banyo Koltuğu Takoz

Bumper Supports

4 x detachable 'bumper' supports for use anywhere on the seat where support is required (i.e. head rest, pommel or anti-slide shelf). Additional bumper supports are available to purchase.

Splashy Banyo Koltuğu Ayak


Choose from 26 recline options, from upright at 106 degrees to a fully reclined at 140 degrees. The floorsitter can also be used with your GoTo Seat.

Firefly Oyuncak

Able the Duck

Able the duck comes with your Splashy. If you're taking Splashy to beach, he wants to go too. He doesn't want to miss out on your next adventure.

سبلاشي حجم الدليل

يبلغ الحد الأقصى لوزن المستخدم 30 كيلوجرام ، لذا يمكن أن يتراوح عمره من 1 إلى 8 سنوات اعتمادًا على الطفل.

Splashy مقعد راحة الظهر الارتفاععرض راحة المقعد الخلفي

عمق قاعدة المقعدعرض قاعدة المقعدعرض الطابق

ارتفاع السقفأقصى قدرة الوزنالفئة العمرية
630mm/24"30kg/66lbsمن 1 الى 8 سنوات

Splashy Banyo Koltuğu Su Geçirmez


Upsee Lateks içermez

Latex Free

Splashy Banyo Koltuğu

Quick dry Material

Splashy Banyo Koltuğu Eva Sünger

EVA Foam

Upsee Outdoor

Suitable for Outdoor Use

Splashy Banyo Koltuğu Taşıma

Weighs 4.7kg

الحصول على أكثر من سبلاشي

Splashy Activity Programme

The Splashy activity guide explains why bathing is so much more than just getting washed. Bathing provides an ideal activity in an environment where your child can develop many skills.

Our expert clinicians at Firefly have created an easy-to-follow Splashy Activity Programme showing you how to work on all of these skills, and what your child will learn from them.

Splashy Banyo Koltuğu Aktiviteler

الحصول على الدعم ل Splashy

Splashy User Manual

Your step-by-step guide to setting up and using your Splashy.

Splashy Activity Programme

This guide aims to help you get the most out of Splashy.

Shortening your harness straps

Your step by step guide to shortening your harness straps.

Taking Care of Your Back

Back pain is a common problem. Read Firefly's tips on how to look after your back.

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